Wood Apple - Baelgiri Sharbat Exotic Drink for Summers

As, I wrote in my last blog, the best part of summers are its exotic fruits of Tropical region. Today, I would like to share about a very special fruit called ‘Bael/ Bel’ or ‘Bengal quince’ in India. It is also commonly known as Stone Apple or Wood Apple because of the hard shell. It has to be smashed open to get the fruit pulp and fiber.  Upon opening they release a aroma mix of mango, banana and maple syrup. They are quite sour as-is though (especially the smaller wood apples), so once the pulp is scooped out, it’s frequently made into juice. 

Health Benefits of Bael/Bel – 

This fruit is rich in Vitamin C, zinc, iron, copper and manganese, sodium and potassium, making it best for blood purification and digestive system. Regular consumption of it boosts immune system and control blood sugar.

The Recipe

Preparation time – 10 minutes

Serves – 4 glasses


  • Pre-soaked pulp/fiber of one medium size Bael fruit

  • 1 tbsp – fine sugar

  • 1 tsp – salt

  • 1 tsp – black salt

  • 1tsp – black pepper

Note – Smash open the Bel fruit and scoop the pulp and soak it in 500ml water for one hour


  • Mesh the pre-soaked pulp/fiber of Bael fruit into a fine paste

  • Strain the mixture through finest strainer to get the juice out of the soaked fiber

  • Add 1 tbsp fine sugar,  1 tsp salt, 1 tsp black salt and 1 tsp black pepper in the bael juice to enhance the flavour

  • Chill it in refrigerator or add ice on serving

Enjoy this drink in your hot summer with family or friends get- together. Or, just enjoy it sipping over a day while working on a laptop.

Do share your experience of the drink with us.

Stay connected from more summer healthy drinks!!!

Your Foodly



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