Red Summer Cooler - Refreshing Watermelon Fruit Drink - Beat the Heat

Hello friends,

This one is for my Watermelon fruits lovers. This pulpy-juicy fruit brings the freshness to the dull summer day. Slurp up this drink sitting in shade with your feet up, reading your favorite book. Or, enjoy it in your summer kitty-party with your friends. 

Red Summer Cooler

Before the recipe, bunch of facts about Watermelon Fruit.

Little Facts

Watermelon red summer cooler drink

Watermelon – scientifically named as “Citrullus lanatus”. It is grown in more than thousand varieties in Tropical to temperate atmosphere.

It is known to have 91% of water and 6 % sugar. Rest 3 % is low fat. It is rich in Vitamin C. Its pulp contains carotenoids and lycopene. These help in maintaining muscular health. It is consider good for heart.

Now, the recipe for you!!!

Red Summer Drink

Preparation time: 5 Minutes

Serves: 2-4 people


  •  Table salt

  •  Black salt

  •  Black pepper

  • 1 big bowl of peeled and cubed watermelon

  • 4-5 Mint leaves


  • Take a bowl and squeeze the watermelon juice through sieve into it.

  • Add pinch of table salt, black salt and black pepper to enhance the juice flavour.

  • Stir well, till all ingredients mixes well.

  • Top it up with the mint leaves while serving

Here is Summer Fruit Drink!!! 

I hope you will try making Red Summer Cooler refreshing Watermelon fruit drink recipe at home soon!! Stay connected for more refreshing thirst-quenching recipes.

Happy Drinking!! Stay Hydrated!!!

Yours foodly,



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