Apple Cider Vinegar Cooler - Beat the Summer Heat

Hello foodies,

Today, I am sharing my detoxifying drink with you. One of my dietitian friends recommended this to me few months ago.  Since, my first try, it has become my obsessed drink due to its unbelievable health benefits.

I am sure, if you try this once, you will also love it, if not for the taste but for the health benefit.

Before the recipes, lets dig into some facts about Apple Cider Vinegar.

Little Facts-

Apple cider Vinegar Cooler Beat the summer heat by balanced bucket

Apple Cider Vinegar is a fermented apple juice that converts into Vinegar with acetic acid that gives it a strong smell and bitter taste.

It is considered good for weight-loss and lowering blood sugar. It’s antimicrobial properties makes it best antioxidant and preservative. It is good for dealing with hair dandruff.

Now, the recipe for you!!!


Apple Cider Vinegar Cooler Recipe:

Preparation time: 5 Minutes

Serves: 4 people


  • 1-1/2 tbsp. – apple cider vinegar
  • 1 – lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. – refined sugar/stevia
  • 4-5 – mint leaves
  • 600 ml - water

Method :

  •           Add 2 tbsp sugar & lemon juice to a glass.
  •      Add crush mint leaves with hand & add it to the mixture.
  •      Add ice and apple cider vinegar to the glass.
  •      Pour water to the mixture.
  •          Stir well, till all ingredients mixes well

Here is Summer Detoxifying Drink!!! Stay Healthy

I hope you will try making Apple Cider Vinegar Cooler and beat the summer heat with the love ones soon!! Stay connected for more refreshing thirst-quenching recipes.

Detox Yourself!! Stay Hydrated!!!

Yours foodly,



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